Learn to Build a Website

Table Tutor

Lesson 1

I want you to open up Notepad (Yes Notepad!) and follow me. Copy and paste off this page the following to get you started:



Save it as table1.html in some folder somewhere. (Windows 3.x users save it as table1.htm) Go ahead and give it its own folder because we will be putting other things in there too. Start up your browser. Use it to open table1.html and run Notepad and the browser side by side. This way you can create your pages and almost instantly see the results of your work.

Type in your table tags. These simply mean "starting a table" and "ending a table".




Every table needs at least one row.




And of course every row has to have at least one table data cell.




Now, just to keep things a little cleaner I am going to start writing only what is in the table tags. I will leave out the head, body, title, etc. tags from now on. But your document should have them.


Now you need something to put in that cell. How about Geetham? let's put Geetham in the <TD> cell.


Well now, you are the proud owner of a fully functional html table! Open it with the browser and check it out! 

As you can see I am easily amused. This is what you have created:


Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back and be proud. You made your first table!

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