Hello! I'm Jaffri and
I'm going to give you a few simple lessons on how to make tables
for your web documents. You might be thinking that a table is
simply one of these
but if you've ever seen some of them fancy-like
web pages you might be interested to find out that they make
good use of the <TABLE> tags! Just to
illustrate, here is the same
page with a white background and the table Borders turned on.
The whole mess basically has only 3 tags...
- The main tag. Used to tell the browser "this is a
table", along with some attributes like size, border,
width and a few other things.
- <TR>
- TableRow defines a horizontal row of <TD>
(TableData) cells.
- <TD>
- Specifies an individual block or cell in a table
To paraphrase: A table is made up of rows
which in turn are made up of cells.
<--This--- |
----is---- |
-----a---- |
---Table-- |
----Row--> |
cell |
cell |
cell |
Well, that's tables in a nutshell. You are now ready to make
some tables! Now's a good time to stress that if you want to
learn how to make quality html documents, then you would be well
served to take the time to teach yourself the tags. If you rely
on the so-called "table wizards" in the "easy as
pie html editors" out there, you will have greatly limited flexibility, and the end result may not be what you are trying to
achieve. In my opinion the best html editors to use are text
based editors. These editors will make your html coding easier. They don't
attempt to do it for you.