Learn to Build a Website

Basic HTML


Hello. My name is Jaffri and I'm going to give you a few simple lessons on how to make a Web Page. I must warn you, this is for the Newbies. If you're at all experienced at this sort of thing, you'll probably find this tutorial a bit of a yawner.

You'll be happy to learn that it's really pretty simple. The basic idea is this... A web page is nothing more than a file, a HTML file to be exact. It's called HTML because web page documents have the file extension .html or .htm. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (If you are unclear about this file extension stuff, then you really are newbie!! Take a quick tour for a few tips on the subject).

Let's get started. First, if you have any of them fancy HTML editors... forget it. The worst way to learn is to use one of those things. (Although there are a few that you will find helpful, they'll only help you once you learn the basics, so don't even worry about it now.) What's the best way to learn HTML?? Notepad.
Another tool you'll need is a browser to view your web pages. Internet Explorer is what I strongly recommend. If you're using something else, it should be OK for most things, but you may be somewhat limited. If you're using something provided by America Online, CompuServe, or one of those Internet in a Box packages, you're on your own because I have no idea what they give you to work with.

You are less than 5 minutes away from making your first web page! So.. off to lesson 1.



Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4.0 Version and above